本文摘要:In addition to Google’s Person Finder tool, Facebook and the Red Cross are offering services for friends and family members to connect with each other in Nepal and for survivors to let others know they are safe.除了谷歌的去找人应用于,Facebook和红十字会也研发了在线服务,协助人们找寻地震央生还的亲人和朋友。
In addition to Google’s Person Finder tool, Facebook and the Red Cross are offering services for friends and family members to connect with each other in Nepal and for survivors to let others know they are safe.除了谷歌的去找人应用于,Facebook和红十字会也研发了在线服务,协助人们找寻地震央生还的亲人和朋友。Last year Facebook launched its Safety Check feature, which allows users of the social networking service to tell friends they’re safe after disasters and to check on others. The service has been activated for the Nepal earthquake, Mark Zuckerberg, the chief executive of Facebook, announced Saturday.去年,Facebook发售了“安全检查”社交应用于,用户可以通过它在灾难之后向朋友报平安,也可以及时理解对方的情况。
Facebook首席执行官马克·扎克伯格周六宣告,该应用于早已为尼泊尔地震启动。The Nepal Red Cross and the International Committee of the Red Cross are also operating an online service that allows users to search for missing family members and report missing people.尼泊尔红十字会和国际红十字委员会也在运营一款在线服务,用户可以借它找寻下落不明的亲人,或者报告有人下落不明。