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时间:2025-02-06 09:23:02

本文摘要:A few weeks ago I went to the Imperial War Museum in London to watch an artificial intelligence program attempt to crack the mindbendingly complex Enigma code used by the Germans during the second world war. It did so in 12 minutes and 50 seconds.数周前,我去了伦敦的帝国战争博物馆(Imperial War Museum),参访一个人工智能程序企图密码德国人在二战期间用于的简单的英格玛(Enigma)密码。

A few weeks ago I went to the Imperial War Museum in London to watch an artificial intelligence program attempt to crack the mindbendingly complex Enigma code used by the Germans during the second world war. It did so in 12 minutes and 50 seconds.数周前,我去了伦敦的帝国战争博物馆(Imperial War Museum),参访一个人工智能程序企图密码德国人在二战期间用于的简单的英格玛(Enigma)密码。它用了12分50秒就密码了那套密码。

Having already machine read some German language training data from Grimm’s Fairy Tales, the AI program crunched through billions of permutations generated by the four-rotor Enigma machine sifting combinations of letters for their “Germanness”.在机器读者了来自《格林童话》(Grimm’s Fairy Tales)的一些德文培训数据后,人工智能程序分析了由四个转子的英格玛机器分解的数十亿个排列组合,在海量字母组合中找寻德文语句。A challenge that had occupied some of Britain’s most brilliant mathematical minds at Bletchley Park for many months and at enormous cost was solved by a modern AI program in a few minutes for only £10. The program, developed by the data analytics company Enigma Pattern and boosted by 2,000 virtual servers, was able to check an astonishing 41m combinations a second.曾多次让布莱格罗公园(Bletchley Park)一些英国最杰出数学家冥思苦想好几个月的挑战,如今在几分钟内就被现代人工智能程序解决问题了,而且成本只有10英镑。由数据分析公司Enigma Pattern研发的这个程序,由2000个虚拟世界服务器获取反对,每秒需要筛查难以置信的4100万个排列组合。



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